Sunday, January 18, 2009

Marriage During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

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We can never tell the future. Some people file bankruptcy and then get married. With a Chapter 7

bankruptcy, it is broadly not a dilemma because most Chapter 7 bankruptcies are over in a material of months. However, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy will last between 3 to 5 years. And a lot can change during that time, with verdict Mr. Right or Ms. Right. For individuals who are still in a Chapter 13 case, the problem becomes: "Does wedding during Chapter 13 bankruptcy shape the bankruptcy"? And "if it does, how"?

The easy answer is yes, wedding during Chapter 13 bankruptcy does or, at slightest, can shape the

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One of the first gear that you do when filing bankruptcy is to release your income and expenses so that the court, trustee, and creditors can quite uncover your financial situation and your ability to pay on a Chapter 13 payment plot. With an individual, the law looks at the individual's finances. With a married individual filing an individual bankruptcy, the law looks at the married link's finances even while one Spouse is not complex in the bankruptcy.

Also, in determining if an individual qualifies for bankruptcy, the finances of the individual or the married link are compared to other people in your state in a parallel situation.

The law does not only look at your financial situation at the launch of filing bankruptcy. instead, the law will look at your financial situation when there are changes because the changes may shape your ability to pay the payment plot.

In the case of getting married during a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may actually be able to pay more to your creditors because your monthly net income (income excluding expenses) may enhance if your new Spouse helps pay household bills. However, if your new Spouse does not work and does not pay about household expenses, you may actually have excluding money to pay about your payment plot.

Regardexcluding of whether or not your new Spouse factory and contributes to paying household bills, you need to advise the trustee of your wedding. Depending on your situation, your Chapter 13 bankruptcy payment plot may need to be amended to mirror your new ability to pay or not to pay.

Even while your new Spouse can shape your payment plot, your new Spouse will not be a group to your bankruptcy.

This is broad information. If you need point information or have any problems of any features whatsoever, reason with a lawyer approved in your state.

This expose may be republished, but the language must not be untouched and the creator relatives must linger active.

No matter which way you look at it, having a firm understanding of this topic will benefit you, even if it is just slightly.

Learn More:Author: Jeff Raford

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